How to choose a quality Childcare course?
The following the recall of over 10,000 qualifications (predominantly in Children's services) earlier this year, the Victorian Government has released yet another review into dodgy providers and it is no surprise that they are finding that courses are being delivered too quick and that students are not learning anything.
Now, I know from experience that some students are quite happy with this as I have personally been offered bribes to provide certificates or to 'speed up' courses or 'reduce' attendance or homework requirements. These students have always been disappointed as we do not compromise on quality.
This is a sad situation for most students as these attitudes have eroded public confidence in the training market generally and led to high numbers of 'qualified' students that can’t demonstrate competence to workplace requirements.
OLA has responded to this situation by choosing to deliver smaller classes and has structured our training around a workplace mentorship program. This provided students with lots of one on one time and opportunity to mine their Industry Training Consultants for real life solutions to the problems and questions they encounter in the workplace.
Why does quality matter? Whilst it is true that poor quality training is a waste of taxpayers money and dangerous when children are involved, it is also true that high quality training adds value to the workplace and the individual and promotes a better society.
How much should you expect to pay for a quality education? This really depends on how much value you place on the course. For example, you may ask the provider, How much contact will I get with my tutor/trainer? How much will I get paid when I am qualified? What are my long term career prospects? How will this course maximize my earning potential? What is the guarantee of employment if I do your course?
If you provider does not know the answers to these questions then you may be right in not valuing the course highly. Many free courses create low expectations. The adage is true, you get what you pay for.
So, what is the OLA difference?
With workforce participation at its highest in decades, choosing a career in childcare is providing long term income security for your family as the demand is higher than the availability of childcare places. Access to quality affordable childcare is a key driver to our economy and to enabling workforce participation. Choosing to work in Family Day Care provides you with the opportunity to stay close to your children and create an income from the home education you provide in those formative pre school years. It is an amazing gift to be able to extend your family routines to 3 or 4 additional children and to create such a wonderful income.
This is a small cost if your earning potential is going to be 0.6 of $130,000.00 for the first 6 months as you can work 3 days whilst studying 2 days, plus 6 months at full pay. You could be earning $1500 per week for the first 6 months, then $2500 per week once qualified!
This is our difference. Yes, our fees might be higher than other institution's but they seem incredibly low when you add up the benefits.
Now, I know from experience that some students are quite happy with this as I have personally been offered bribes to provide certificates or to 'speed up' courses or 'reduce' attendance or homework requirements. These students have always been disappointed as we do not compromise on quality.
This is a sad situation for most students as these attitudes have eroded public confidence in the training market generally and led to high numbers of 'qualified' students that can’t demonstrate competence to workplace requirements.
OLA has responded to this situation by choosing to deliver smaller classes and has structured our training around a workplace mentorship program. This provided students with lots of one on one time and opportunity to mine their Industry Training Consultants for real life solutions to the problems and questions they encounter in the workplace.
Why does quality matter? Whilst it is true that poor quality training is a waste of taxpayers money and dangerous when children are involved, it is also true that high quality training adds value to the workplace and the individual and promotes a better society.
How much should you expect to pay for a quality education? This really depends on how much value you place on the course. For example, you may ask the provider, How much contact will I get with my tutor/trainer? How much will I get paid when I am qualified? What are my long term career prospects? How will this course maximize my earning potential? What is the guarantee of employment if I do your course?
If you provider does not know the answers to these questions then you may be right in not valuing the course highly. Many free courses create low expectations. The adage is true, you get what you pay for.
So, what is the OLA difference?
- Our students are highly engaged and learn practical skills in the workplace to assist them become outstanding educators.
- Our trainers draw on years of experience to provide real life mentoring as you encounter questions in your workplace.
- Our students have guaranteed employment in Ignite Minds family day care providing they work towards a pass, meet police clearance and home safety inspection requirements.
- Ignite Minds highest earning Educator is on $130,000.00 per year! Now that is a serious wage!
With workforce participation at its highest in decades, choosing a career in childcare is providing long term income security for your family as the demand is higher than the availability of childcare places. Access to quality affordable childcare is a key driver to our economy and to enabling workforce participation. Choosing to work in Family Day Care provides you with the opportunity to stay close to your children and create an income from the home education you provide in those formative pre school years. It is an amazing gift to be able to extend your family routines to 3 or 4 additional children and to create such a wonderful income.
So, when you do the math, you add the costs and benefits of course fees, how does our course add up?
Full fees for the Certificate III is $5580, Eligible funded place is $2480 and Eligible concession is $496. These costs are fully Tax deductible if you are working as an educator. If you spread this out over 48 working weeks in a year you are up for $116.25 full fee, 51.44 eligible place, or $10.33 concession for every week you have an income.This is a small cost if your earning potential is going to be 0.6 of $130,000.00 for the first 6 months as you can work 3 days whilst studying 2 days, plus 6 months at full pay. You could be earning $1500 per week for the first 6 months, then $2500 per week once qualified!
This is our difference. Yes, our fees might be higher than other institution's but they seem incredibly low when you add up the benefits.