As part of our commitment to improving our training services we regularly gather and analyse information about key quality indicators. Have a look at what others have told us and see why you should enrol yourself in one of our courses!
These indicators are based on a survey of 147 students. This sample represents 100% of this organisations training delivery in the 2012 calendar year. The students surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines.
- You can view a summay of responses to our annual survey here. See below summary report for detailed explaination.
You can view our latest Regulator Audit report here
Organisational Learning Australia gained registration as a Registered Training Organisation on the 9th February 2011, registration number 110083. OLA was initially registered by the now disbanded National Audit and Registration Agency, which operated under delegation from the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority. On the 1st July 2011, in line with National VET reforms, OLA transitioned its registration to the Australian Skills Quality Authority set up to be the National VET Regulator. Our initial registration under the Australian Quality Training Framework 2010 has now been superseded by the Vet Quality Framework.
See our enrolments and completions by qualification within a single state or territory report below. This report represents the enrolment data for the 2011 calendar year and some qualifications span more than 1 calendar year. Competency Completions in this case is a measure of volume