Enquire today
Thank you for your interest in becoming an early childhood educator at our beautiful campus at the Abbotsford Convent Melbourne. You are taking the brave step into one of the most rewarding careers!
The Enrolment Process:
1. Call us now or book a free enrolment consultation at the bottom of this page.
2. We will call you to see if this course is the right fit for you, discuss your eligibility for government funding and set up your pricing structure. (see prices here)
3. We will provide you with the enrolment documents to complete where we can confirm your eligibility for study and any government funding up to 98% discount on advertised price.
4. Once approved, you will be able to purchase the relevant course at the correct price and begin your studies.
See below for a more detailed description of the Enrolment Process.
Given that you are making such a big decision our engagement process begins with a chat. During this chat, we will outline the types of jobs and careers available to you, discuss the 'nitty gritty' of early childhood education (dealing with poopy nappies and singing about it!) and if this does not turn you off we will outline the course structure and requirements to pass.
When you decide that this course is for you, we will conduct a Language and Literacy test to see if you meet at least Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) level 3. This is a technical way to ensure you have approximately year 8 literacy, can locate and comprehend information in detailed written material such as a job description, you can interpret information from charts and tables such as flight schedules and use the 'help' facility in a software program.
Basically, we do not want to sign you up for a course that you don't like the career prospects, have a poor understanding of the course structure, or wont have the literacy and numeracy to be able to complete. That's just unethical!
Ok, I'm interested but how much time do I need?
- You will need to put aside Monday evenings between 7:00pm and 9:00pm to participate in online workshop activities.
- You will need to put aside 1 weekday to participate in work placement activities (a total of 120 hours for Certificate III and 240 hours for Diploma courses).
- You will need to attend 6 face to face workshops (Certificate III) or 12 workshops (Diploma) scheduled on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Abbotsford Convent.
In our 'reverse classroom' you will practice, play and learn in real life environments and you will bring these experiences, and 'real problems' (not scenarios) to the classroom where you will workshop solutions. We see the world as the classroom and our learning hub a place of enquiry and reflection, a place where learning is unfolding as a shared experience.
Course information
- CHC30121 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care
- CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting
Book a free enrolment consultation now
Should you have any questions, you can always call us between Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm (03) 9036 1504.
If you have limited time you can book a call back from us below.
- Step 1 - Create an account
- Step 2 - Book an appointment
- Step 3 - We will ring you and provide information about eligibility, government funding, course structure, time commitment and job opportunities.
Reset your password
We will send you an email to reset your password.