How to become an RTO
In response to the recent collapse of many international student colleges, becoming a registered training organisation (RTO) has become more costly with regulators consistently behind their published timeframes for assessing applications. Despite the increased hurdles there are still many benefits to becoming an RTO.
If you are concerned about education outcomes and strive to continually improve student services then there has never been a better time to become an RTO. Organisational Learning Australia can assist you with preparation and submission of your application for approval. We are also heavily involved with clients in the maintenance of their ongoing compliance and can mentor you through establishment and the life of your RTO.
You should look up your local state or territory regulator and either follow their online application steps or attend an information session. If you have never been exposed to the Australian Quality Training Framework then you should locate a copy and begin to get your head around how you intend to meet compliance.
It is important to have strong links with industry and to consider how you will source trainers, students and employers from within the industry relevant to your scope of registration.
At this stage, if you have not already done so, you should ring Organisational Learning Australia and arrange a free 1 hour consultation to discuss how our RTO help services can support you through the legislative and licensing requirements relevant to your proposed scope of registration.
OLA can look over your application and provide you with a pre registration review – a health check prior to formal application. If ready, you will then submit your application and compliant AQTF systems to your registering body for final Audit prior to approval as an RTO. In some instances you will have a follow up audit within 12 months and unless cancelled suspended or amended your registration will remain for 5 years.
Check out our RTO Help and Advice Services